Saturday, July 20, 2013

How to Write Cliff-Hanging Copy

The components of story that inspire zeal for best-selling novels are relevant to copywriting, even though you aren't writing fiction.  An essential element of storytelling is the one which creates an irresistible drive to know what is going to happen next.  

In a story it's as simple as a romance in which you want to find out whether the boy gets the girl.  You can write business copy that creates that same sort of tension or suspense.

In copy you could say, for instance, that there is a "free offer."  Just about everybody enjoys getting something for nothing, and they'll want to know what steps they can take to get in on it.  This is a tactic that should be used cautiously because you must deliver whatever is promised.

A freebie may be a no-brainer.  How about teasing a reader with information that could help him or her:

  • Lose 10 pounds in 10 days, guaranteed.
  • Prevent a house fire caused by using the fireplace.
  • Afford a luxury vacation while on a tight budget.
The irresistible drive you create in a reader must be aimed at the target audience.  Set up a story line for the appropriate reader.  It wouldn't make sense to stir a reader's desire for how to, for instance, cook a meal that will lasso a man's heart unless your target audience is made up largely of single women.

Always think of your copy as a story which must have a hook that compels the target audience to keep reading.  Master the art of writing amazing copy that leads to sales, and you could become a copywriter who is as in-demand among top-paying businesses as a best-selling author is among leading publishers.

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