For instance, I am aware that I confused my topic -- a love of words -- with a need to explain what the big deal is about Blue Bell Ice Cream to anyone who doesn't live in or hasn't visited Texas. It's an ice cream made in Brenham, Texas, that puts the taste of all other brands to complete and total shame. Okay, sure, I haven't eaten every brand under the sun, but I'm still confident I'm right on this point.
Also, what was my "hopeful preparation" for writing? Well, even though I had a frustrating situation in which I earned two Associate Degrees that are not appreciated as a potential equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree (at least in the job market), I opted to educate myself through local libraries as opposed to returning to college. I read/studied hundreds of books on writing, joined writers' clubs, participated in critique groups, and won some poetry competitions.
So now I use my love and understanding of words to drive traffic to blogs and websites. I've had success, too. Most of my customers report an explosive increase in their number of site visitors, once I become their regular writer -- several have grown from around 30 hits per day when I started to over 400 within a short time. Their businesses are booming, too, by the way.
Artfully arranging words and choosing those with the most impact, such as keywords, makes the words go "pow!" Looking for one of the best blog writers? In reviews posted on my profile page on the website where I obtain the bulk of my employment, it has been said that you, dear reader searching for top blog writers, are looking for me, Stevie McHugh.
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