Monday, July 15, 2024

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Recommended Authors
Photo of Bonnie Suchman
Bonnie Suchman
Genres: History, Biographies and Memoirs, Jewish Interest
Book cover for Stumbling Stones by Bonnie SuchmanBook cover for Broken Promises by Bonnie Suchman
Photo of John Sandford
John Sandford
Genres: Thrillers, Teen and Young Adult, Crime Fiction and Mysteries, Bestsellers, Police Procedural
Book cover for Judgment Prey by John SandfordBook cover for Dark Angel by John SandfordBook cover for Holy Ghost by John Sandford
Photo of Julia Kent
Julia Kent
Genres: New Adult Romance, Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, Rom-Com, Romantic Comedy
Book cover for Random Acts of Crazy by Julia KentBook cover for Fluffy by Julia KentBook cover for Perky by Julia Kent

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